Complications of Fillers and Botulinum Toxin
The MasterClass “Complications of Fillers and Botulinum Toxin” will give injecting doctors, both beginners and experienced, the keys to being able to face the main difficulties encountered during a professional career in aesthetic medicine. From mild immediate side effects to the most serious events, our team of expert doctors will present the recommended care for their management.
A “scenario” workshop will allow you to understand dispute management and find a positive solution.
THURSDAY DECEMBER 1 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Only 20 Places
Rappel anatomique
Zones difficiles: cernes, levres, nez, tempes.....
Zones classiques: sillons, plis amerturmes, jawline...
Technique et produites
Technique d'anesthésie locale
Techniques d'injections: canule, aiguille
2/ Risques et complications
Utilisation du simulateur
Traiter l'urgence vasculaire
Utilisation de l'hyaluronidase: dilution, mode d'injection, frequence...
L'urgence ophtalmique: Cecité ou trouble de la vision
Injection retrobulbaire sur Simulateur
Prochaines dates: contactez nous
A new generation of simulator
No more need to work on cadavers thanks to the new generation of Simulator presenting the different layers of the Face: Skin, fat, muscles, bones, vascular anatomy....